Welcome to my online journal, Far Enough is an indication of a turning point. It speaks of having journeyed far enough into one direction, of having come to a turning point, and from there embarking on a new journey going into and exploring new areas and unique experiences.
Far Enough expresses the drastic, radical turning point I came to in my life’s voyage, my professional career, my personal and spiritual growth, my journey as a follower of Jesus, and my relationship with God.
Our world and society seem to be filled with anger, outrage, fear and anxiety. How can we overcome the hatred, contempt, divisions, and conflicts which are ripping apart relationships and communities? Are you yearning to experience love and to love others? How can we live with love, joy, peace, confidence, and contentment in the midst of pain and suffering?
There is a way, and it is the way of extraordinary love.
Through these studies on the First Letter of John you will:
Fall in love with God more and more.
Learn to love others as you experience God’s love and love God.
Begin to live the deeper spiritual life by learning to live every moment with God.
Reflect on what you are learning and take action steps to apply what you are learning and live the deeper life of love.
Study and reflect on the First Letter of John with this book, and God’s extraordinary love will transform you to love others with extraordinary love. Allow his love to change you and join God on this amazing love adventure to live with him and for him the Kingdom life in this crazy world. Extraordinary love will change your life, the world and people around you.
Dr. Pieter F. Theron is a South African currently living in Tiller, Oregon, USA where he is the pastor of the South Umpqua Community Church. He served as a missionary for twenty-six years in Zambia, the Philippines and Mongolia; eighteen of these were with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. During these years of intercultural ministries he was involved in theological education, leadership development and church ministries serving in various capacities as faculty, dean of students, program director, academic dean, interim president, board member, field leadership team member, and field director. Following this he served for one year as professor of Missiology (Missions) at Simpson University, Redding, USA before coming to Tiller.
Pieter is married to Haniki, and they have two daughters, Anri and Sonja, who live in South Africa. Pieter is a graduate from the North-West University and the University of Pretoria.
We are gearing up for the launch of Extraordinary Love and to make this launch possible, I need your help. I am putting together a dynamic group of people who want to support this book by reading it, writing a review to post on Amazon and/or GoodReads, and sharing with friends and family on Social Media. This will be the Extraordinary Love Launch Team and I would love for you to be a part of it.
If this is your first time on a launch team, do not worry, I will walk you through every step right up to launch day and after the launch. Your support will be invaluable and greatly appreciated.